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All eligible entities may apply to hire professional artists, including those listed on MAC’s Artist and Teaching Artist Roster. Arts organizations may apply for up to $1,000 to pursue professional development such as attending trainings or hiring a consultant. Mini-grants for organizations are matching grants designed to support professional development and capacity-building activities for arts organizations and to provide opportunities for Mississippi nonprofits, schools and other units of government to hire professional artists. Professional artists may apply through the Artist Mini-grant program for up to $500 in reimbursed funds to pursue artistic training, support promotion and marketing efforts or to purchase eligible art supplies. Applications are now open and the deadline to apply is June 1.Įligible individual artists and organizations may apply for up to $500 and $1,000, respectively. The Mississippi Arts Commission is now accepting applications for the agency’s Mini-grant program, which is offered twice a year to organizations and individual artists to assist with professional development and capacity building.

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